Voices from the Wilderness: Reflections on a Year of Disruption, Tuesdays, 6-7:20 pm, February 23-March 23: March 15 marks the one-year anniversary of our church’s time of separation as well as deep and previously unthinkable changes in our lives. During the Lenten series this year, we will take time to reflect on this time and all the changes it has wrought for ourselves, our church, our nation and our world.
The Wilderness is one of the ways we think about Lent. It is the place of Jesus’ temptation and fasting; it is the place where the Jews wandered for 40 years before reaching the Promised Land; it is also the place where early Christian monks and nuns chose to live in order to be closer to God. The Wilderness is a place of hardship and danger, but also a place of growth and renewal. In what ways have we been living that paradox in this time?
Some of the voices we will hear from during the Lenten Series include folks from Medical, Educational and Church fields. We will find out what this last year has been like for them.
· February 23 – Introduction and Overview of the Wilderness Themes
· March 2 – “Danger & Security,” Voices from the Medical Field
· March 9 – “Confusion & Formation,” Voices from the Educational Field
· March 16 – “Temptation & Trust,” Voices from the Church
· March 23 – “Leaving the Wilderness,” What have we learned? What will we take with us?
Schedule – Join us for part or all of the evening!
5:30-6 – Dinner conversation (We will chat while “sharing” a meal from home)
6-6:15 – Introduction of theme and speakers
6:15-6:45 – Panel discussion
6:45-7 pm – Questions/responses 7-7:20 – Night Prayer