Holy Week & Easter Services by Mary Lindquist PALM SUNDAY, APRIL 10 8 am Holy Eucharist 10:15 am Holy Eucharist & Procession with Palms-LIVESTREAM 4 pm “Stations”: A Musical Reflection on the Stations of the Cross- LIVESTEAM MAUNDY THURSDAY, APRIL 14 5:30 pm Dinner & Holy Eucharist with Washing of the Feet in the Undercroft, followed by the Stripping of the Altar in the Sanctuary GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 15 12 pm Proper Liturgy for Good Friday 7 pm “Were You There?” A Choral Setting for the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ –LIVESTREAM BULLETIN HOLY SATURDAY, APRIL 16 9–9:20 am Holy Saturday Service EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 17 5:30 am Easter Vigil/Sunrise Service 8 am Festival Holy Eucharist (no music) 10:15 am Festival Holy Eucharist with Choir- LIVESTREAM BULLETIN