On Sunday September 8, beginning at 9:30 there will be games and food, registration for Sunday School, and inspiration for this new year in the life of our church. At 10 am, kids will be invited to the church to begin new classes. Our hope is that every child experiences God’s love, knowing how precious they are to God and to us in the church!
Nursery Care (ages 0-3, every Sunday) is open beginning at 10 am on Sundays. Childcare is provided by our two lovely Nursery staff, Kaitlin and Blue. You are welcome to have your kids stay in the nursery throughout the 10:15 am service, or pick them up at The Peace (middle of the service) to share Holy Communion.
Godly Play (ages 3-8) meets Sundays at 10:10 am during the first half of the 10:15 am worship service. Godly Play is a Montessori-inspired Christian formation program based on the recognition that children have an innate sense of the presence of God. The Godly Play approach teaches classical Christian language in a way that enhances the child’s authentic experience of God so it can contribute to the creative life of the child and the world. Children then join their parents during the Peace so that they may participate in Holy Communion with the rest of the congregation.
Upper El (grades 4-6), a Christian formation program for children and youth Grades 4-6, is offered from 10:10-10:45am am twice a month, beginning on September 8. We explore one biblical story for each two- week cycle, using a different learning approach each week. Our hope is to provide a time of active engagement with the stories of the Bible and with one another.
St. Michael’s Youth Group (for kids 7th-12th Grade) will be held on the First Sundays of the month from beginning at 10:10. (In September, the Youth Group will meet on September 8). St. Michael’s Youth Group will focus on service projects this year and may even build something together! Please come for the first class on September 8 at 10:15am to brainstorm ideas for the year.