- We support Loaves and Fishes, a community lunch served on Tuesdays and Fridays at the Centre Congregational Church in Brattleboro.
Volunteers prepare the meal, pick up vegetables from the Co-op and orders from the Vermont Food Bank, sort, pack and freeze food, and clean up. They serve 100 adults as well as children from the nursery next door. The project has received funds from St. Michael’s Outreach. For more information or to volunteer, contact Ruth Tilghman at 258-2761.
- We gather food every Sunday for the Brattleboro Area Drop-In Center which provides a food shelf for the community. Donations are left in a basket at the back of the sanctuary.
- Parishioners have been actively involved in making and serving meals at the Overflow Shelter which houses those in need of overnight shelter from November to April at the First Baptist Church. The project has received funds from St. Michael’s Outreach.
- The Dove Project, run by the AIDS Project of Vermont, is a food collection program serving over 90 people living with and affected by HIV. Parishioners are invited to take a dove (located at the back of the sanctuary) and return the dove with the food or personal care product needed.
The Dove Program works with 16 faith communities and the Brattleboro Co-op. The Outreach team donated funds to the Southern Vermont AIDS Project.
- We have supported the Walk-In Clinic to help them provide free prescription medication. Please contact Shirley Hodgdon at 257-3040 for more information. (brattleborowalkinclinic.com).
- St. Michael’s provides hospitality for summer students at SIT’s Peace Camp, sponsored by the School for International Training, Please contact Laura Lewis at 258-4839.
- Parishioners participated in the Jerusalem Peacebuilders, a leadership camp for Israeli, Palestinian, and American teens by cooking, inviting the campers to their homes, and witnessing the discussions. The campers came to the church to talk about their experience. Call Dorothy Porter at 254-0068 or go to facebook.com/JerusalemPeacebuilders to learn more.
- Organized the collection of diapers for families on food stamps (does not cover cost of diapers); diapers were distributed by SEVCA. The project has received funds from St. Michael’s Outreach. Watch for announcements in the Bulletin about the next Diaper Sunday. Contact Lori Palmer at 251-0660.
- In the Gleaning Project, parishioners gather vegetables left behind after farmers have sold their produce from individual crops from June through October. Contact Joyce Vining Morgan at 387-2543.
- Worked with the Vestry to enable the Inclusion Center to meet at St. Michael’s. This ministry provides weekly social opportunities for young adults with disabilities. The project has received funds from St. Michael’s Outreach. Contact Robin White-Diamondstone at 254-2246.
- Donated to the Putney Foodshelf Family Food Bag Program. Committee members have prepared and distributed bags of food at Putney Central School. Contact Lori Palmer at 251-0660.
- Other organizations provided financial support include:
- Brattleboro Area Hospice in Joel Hill’s name;
The Gathering Place;
Windham County Heat Fund;
Project Feed the Thousands.