
by Meg McCarthy
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Over 2,000 blood drives in the country have been cancelled so far due to the virus. Going to a blood drive is one of the activities permitted in Vermont’s “stay safe, stay home” measure. 

All blood donations can only be given by appointment now, not drop-in. So, people must sign-up in advance. The Red Cross has incredibly thorough practices to ensure the safety of all donors, volunteers, and staff. Sounds safer than the grocery store;)

How to make an appointment…
– Go to OR




If you sew or can source materials for those who sew, join thousands of volunteers across the country and create masks for health care providers, patients, and caregivers. You can follow this basic pattern here at or use this beginner tutorial created by local Brattleboro business owner Alix Joyal at

If you would like help or support while creating, consider joining an ongoing Facebook group such as Mask Drive: Help Our First Responders. If you have masks ready in the meantime, contact Joanna Phillips at and they will be put to immediate use.

Brattleboro Memorial Hospital is accepting masks until 4 p.m. each day. They can be left at 55 Belmont Ave. (the first house on the right — white with green shutters). There will be a box/bin on the front porch where you can drop your donation off.  Grace Cottage Hospital in Townshend is also accepting masks.

BMH does request, however, that you do not leave masks if you are suspected of having coronavirus, or been in contact with anyone who may have been exposed within the past 14 days.


Loaves and Fishes Update

Going from being a community meal to “to go service only” to meals being delivered was a process and a sense of loss for those who served and for those we served.

But we go on!  We are now delivering meals on Tuesdays and Fridays to the homeless in the motels (100 meals), to Groundworks Shelter (20 people with 2 meals a day), and Foodworks (30 meals).

To do this with social distancing:)

3 of us cook and get meals ready to go out (Josie, Ruth and Jeanne)

2 groups come and deliver to the people at 3 places (Josh Steele and the Svec family

1 person does all our ordering for all those take out containers, sanitizers and cleansers (Bob Oeser)

1 group picks up and delivers food from Price Chopper and the Food Bank (Chris, Troy and Willow)

1 person comes and cleans on an off day, the stoves and fridges

1 Person puts all the food away from the Food Bank (Hollis Carlisle)

We have dessert makers (Wye, Cliff and Aduwa)

Families and groups prepare vegetables for us (cutting carrots. potatoes, sweet potatoes)

Masks have been given to us (Lori Palmer)

We have bread makers (the Porter family)

We could use more help and would welcome St Michael’s help.

Bread making for Fridays

Desserts (we have some mixes and some ingredients)

Wrapping forks and napkins

Prepping vegetables

Paper bags

Making family bags (packing up food for families at home from our pantry)

We have a safe an easy drop off and if you are a packer, you would be alone!!

Please contact Ruth Tilghman if you are interested in helping at

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