Please support St. Michael’s Building Hope for the Earth Campaign!
In February of this year, St. Michael’s Vestry supported this initiative by affirming: St. Michael’s commits to its mission of stewardship of the earth by pursuing an end to our reliance on fossil fuels and a transition to 110% clean, renewable energy by 2030, tithing 10% of this energy back to our community.
How will we do this?
Phase 1
Replace our elegant but failing slate roof with a new standing seam, copper roof. This roof will age with beauty and durability for the next 100 years. We will also replace the Bradley Wing roof and make additional energy efficiency measures, including added insulation and reducing air leakage from the building through weather-stripping and other measures. Estimated cost: $400,000
Phase 2
Install onsite solar panels as a first step towards producing 110% of all our own electricity. Generous parishioners have already taken responsibility for this component of the project. Estimated Cost: $200,000
Phase 3
Electrification of our heating and cooling. This important step minimizes our dependence on fossil fuels, substantially lowering our carbon footprint, while also increasing our energy efficiency and saving us money over time. Estimated Cost: $200,000
Phase 4
Invest in an offsite solar array to cover all our energy needs, plus our tithe 10% back to the community