Welcome to our Music Director Search Page. Several recent recordings of services and programs provide a good window into the life and role of music at St. Michael’s. Following the film clips, there is a description of the music program at St. Michael’s from a current choir member. To access more recordings of St. Michael’s services, go to the Livestream Archive, found HERE.
Please find a copy of the St. Michael’s Music Director Position Description HERE.
For more information about this position, please contact the Music Director Search Committee at mary@stmichaelsvermont.org
St. Michael’s Organ
St. Michael’s Organ is a Gress- Miles 1976. It is a three manual instrument with electric action, generally in the Casavant tradition. A stop list would be misleading, as there is a significant amount of unification which is not reflected by the stop names. While not designed as a recital instrument, it has diapason, flute, string and reed ranks available at several pitch levels, including mutations, and a fully independent Great mixture, so it is well suited for service playing and supporting the enthusiastic congregational singing at St. Michael’s.