Music Director Search Page

Welcome to our Music Director Search Page. Several recent recordings of services and programs provide a good window into the life and role of music at St. Michael’s.  Following the film clips, there is a description of the music program at St. Michael’s from a current choir member. To access more recordings of St. Michael’s services, go to the Livestream Archive, found HERE.

The music and choir program at St. Michael’s is vibrant and exciting! Music has been an important cornerstone of the ministry at St. Michael’s for decades and will continue to be so. St. Michael’s congregation is a a congregation who loves to sing together; our love of singing together became even more apparent to us during the pandemic when we could not sing together.

The choir, comprised of up to 20+ singers, rehearses on Sunday morning prior to the 10:15 am worship service. We spend time going over the service music for the day, including the hymnody, and then work on rehearsing for that day’s worship. At various times of the year such as Advent and Lent, the choir also works on special music for Christmas and Holy Week, as well as the annual Lessons and Carols service which is a highlight for the parish as well as many in the larger Brattleboro community.

The repertoire of the choir is very wide, including traditional Anglican anthems and service music, gospel and spirituals, American traditional music, a variety of early music, and new compositions by contemporary composers. 

The St. Michael’s choir members take their ministry as musicians seriously. Some of them are professionals, but many are simply folks who enjoy singing with each other and supporting the congregation on a weekly basis. Many of the members have been singing with each other for many years and so have a rapport that allows for a sense of “family” within the group. New members are encouraged and welcomed whole-heartedly.

Please find a copy of the St. Michael’s Music Director Position Description HERE.

For more information about this position, please contact the Music Director Search Committee at

St. Michael’s Organ

St. Michael’s Organ is a Gress- Miles 1976. It is a three manual instrument with electric action, generally in the Casavant tradition. A stop list would be misleading, as there is a significant amount of unification which is not reflected by the stop names. While not designed as a recital instrument, it has diapason, flute, string and reed ranks available at several pitch levels, including mutations, and a fully independent Great mixture, so it is well suited for service playing and supporting the enthusiastic congregational singing at St. Michael’s.